DJ Concert Review: The Twelves, March 27, The Social

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Toronto – What the hell was I thinking? just two days removed from one of the most exhausting trips of my life, I decided to venture out to hipster central (The Social) and check out the incredible remixers/dj act from Brazil known as The Twelves. If you have been reading the Panic Manual consistently, you know that we have blogged about these guys before, and even included several of their remixes on our year end compilation so I guess with that much PM love, a trip to see them DJ was in the cards.

Let’s face it, I am closer to 30 then 20 and when you are at that age, selling a Thursday night dj act at a nightclub to your friends is about as easy as selling a solar powered flashlight to a blind man. Luckily, I was able to corral two of my friends for the show, but just as we arrived at the Social, one of my friends saw the night club, realized it was Thursday and decided to bail. We are that old. I won’t say who it is, but I will say he is six foot eight and his name rhymes with Peeven Keith. But I’m not one to point people out so I’ll just leave it at that.

We arrived way too early at the Social, which resulted in sitting around for about an hour watching hipsters trying to be american apparel models by taking pictures in non chalant poses. The Twelves were supposed to come on at around midnight, but they must of had a Chinese clock, because they showed up 20 minutes late. By this time, my friend was exhausted as hell and I was like shiet.. Did I mention this club was absolutely packed by then? I was surprised.

The Twelves as DJ’s were very good, through out their set they slipped in a lot of the tracks on their mixtapes – Radiohead’s reckoner, the Zeltgeist song, MIA’s boyz and others. Other tunes they mixed in included Thriller and Standing in the way of Control by the Gossip. It was a good show. Whereas Flosstradamus was very good at splicing songs and finding that perfect combination of what goes next, the Twelves will play a song, but then they will play their own remixed version of it, which was pretty cool. One of the dudes had a keyboard which I assumed was used to generate that ‘Twelves’ remixed sound. The crowd was pretty hyped for it and I can say I was glad I went, although now it’s the next day, I’m tired and listening to Belle and Sebastien.

ps. I ran into Isis of Thunderheist and asked her about the incident at the Perez Hilton party where a band came on during their performance and burnt money:

Living Things, Perez's Party, SXSW, March 21, 2009

She said that Perez was pissed at them because he thought they had brought them along, and then quoted

“I make money, I don’t burn it”


Quick Concert Review: Primal Scream, March 24, Phoenix

Posted on by Ricky in Concerts | 1 Comment


Toronto – I wasn’t able to go, but my friend Mark from gave me this review not knowing that I would take our facebook conversation and turn it into a blog article. I call this ‘guerilla style blogging’. Im totally the Che of the interweb.

Mark: primal scream was good

Ricky: did they play kill all hippies

Mark:may have missed it, played swastica eyes.. did you see them in texas

Ricky: yea, they played about 45 minutes only though in texas

Mark: pretty cool green laser, lots of strobe lighting, they played a good mix, some stuff from screamadellica and xterminator, and other stuff I didn’t recognize , he’s a good showman got the crowd going, like that mani’s amp says mani on it instead of Marshall nice touch

Ricky:nice, what screamdelica tunes

Mark: higher than the sun, movin on up

Ricky:oh man i missed moving on up…how long was the set

Mark: got there at 10.15 and they were on till 12 at least definitely played stuff from evil heat too can’t remember exactly had a few beers with the brentster, passed my driving the same day so got a bit wasted

CONCLUSION – probably a good show

BTW, Mark makes furniture out of reclaimed wood. I don’t know what that means, but I guess we are similar since we review music from reclaimed albums. HAHA. jokes.

NOTE: Mark arrived late, here was setlist

“Kill All Hippies”
“Can’t Go Back”
“Miss Lucifer”
“Suicide Sally And Johnny Guitar”
“Burning Wheel”
“Beautiful Future”
“Higher Than The Sun”
“Deep Hit Of Morning Sun”
“Suicide Bomb”
“Shoot Speed/Kill Light”
“Swastika Eyes”
“Country Girl”
“Movin’ On Up”


“Necro Hex Blues”

i got that from

SXSW Review: St. Vincent, Antones, March 20

Posted on by Ricky in Concerts, Everything, South By Southwest | 2 Comments

St. Vincent, Antones, March 20, SXSW

Austin – I listened to St. Vincent‘s debut album quite a bit when it first came out. The theatrical sultry vocals of Annie Clark was definitely something to behold. I guess I was not the only one enchanted by this Texan singer on Friday night at Antones, judging by the amount of ‘Marry me Annie!’ chants there were. Luckily for her, she also has a song by that name and can simply reply ‘Oh, that’s the song we are playing next’. I had previously seen her a few years ago at Horseshoe, but much to my surprise, this time around, Annie Clark had a rather large band with her, one of whom looked like a greaser from the 50s. Once again, technical difficulties delayed the start of this concert, but once it got going, all it took was a simple ‘hello, We’re St. Vincent’ to get everyone in the place to shut up.

Dressed in black while other band members dressed in white, Annie Clark debuted mostly new material of her upcoming album for the crowd of 200 enthusiastic fans. Even with the addition of a chamber pop backing members, the new material still sounds pretty similar to the old ones, high on lounge quality. I almost think that if you transported St. Vincent back to the 30s, they would be the biggest thing ever. Just as quickly as the set began, the show ended. I guess this is what happens when you play at 12:30 am. No ‘Stars are Aligned’, no ‘Human Racing’, no ‘Paris is Burning’ yet I was still satisfied. St. Vincent has that star like quality about her, when she sings, everyone pays attention, she looks fragile, but then you see her shred the guitar and it’s like whoa. Quite mesmerizing.

SXSW Quick Reviews: Lemonade, Janelle Monae, 3Oh!3, Echo and the Bunnymen, Ed Harcourt, Sofia Talvik

Posted on by Ricky in Concerts, Everything, South By Southwest | 2 Comments

Austin – Here are some quick reviews of some shows I went to.

Lemonade, SXSW, March 18, Beauty Bar

Lemonade, Beauty Bar, March 18 – According to Pitchfork, San Francisco based eclectic electro band was a very worthy band to see during SXSW, so we went to BreakThruRadio showcase to see them, Hot Panda and Project Jenny, Project Jan. First of all, props to for throwing together a good party. I was a bit distraught during the set of Lemonade because there was an Ipod Touch giveaway right before the set and I didn’t win. Seriously, there was like 30 people in the crowd. So the odds were good. We weren’t really feeling this band’s blend of music so we moved on for some high quality BBQ ribs at Ironworks.

Janelle Monae, SXSW, March 18, Stubbs BBQ

Janelle Monae, Stubbs BBQ, March 18 – I had never heard of this person before her set at Stubbs. After seeing her show, I am pretty sure I will hear more and more about Janelle Monae before it’s all said and done. Looking at her wiki page, I guess she has been around for awhile and even has a Grammy nod. Shows you how much I know. Janelle’s show was strong, they were dressed up like Andre 3000’s backing band and gave an enthusiastic show. This girl knows how to perform, she danced, posed, screamed and even did a crowd surf at the end of the show. I would classify her music as eclectic/retro sounding hip hop, not much unlike some of Outkast’s better stuff. Definitely worth looking into.

303, March 18, Stubbs, SXSW

3oh!3, Stubbs BBQ, March 19 – Maybe I deserved it. For some reason, I got it in me that I wanted to see Katy Perry at SXSW. I don’t know why, I only like one of her songs, but I guess seeing a pop act is something I wouldn’t otherwise do. Anyways, either she canceled or I misread my SXSW guide, because once 8:00 hit, there was no Katy Perry. What replaced her was this band called 3Oh!3, a rock/rap hybrid from Colorado. For a second there, I thought I wasn’t at SXSW but at popped-collar-frosted-tip-tribal-tattoopalooza as all the douche bags I try hard to avoid all showed up for this devil child of Linkin Park and Good Charlotte. How incredibly creative of them to name their band after their area code. 3Oh!3? more like POS. This is not my type of music, so I shouldn’t be too harsh on it. I did not enjoy it, but I’m pretty sure if I was a 19 year white kid who drives his daddy’s SUV and has pool keg parties every weekend, I would like it. They were pretty energetic on stage, so props for that.

Echo and the Bunnymen, EMO’s, March 18 – Not surprisingly, the Echo and the Bunnymen showcase started rather late at Emo’s. Everything was running late on day 1. Clearly a bit under the influence, Ian McCulloch took to the stage and sorta sang some newer material as well as classics. However, the concert was a bit hit or miss, as McCulloch at one point forgot the lyrics to one song (Rust) and stopped it halfway through. He did please the crowd with satisfactory versions of the Killing Moon and The Cutter. However, a long ten minute version of Lips Like Sugar as an encore was more then enough to clear the crowd out. Seeing how they had about eighteen other showcases at the festival, I guess they had a chance to make it up.

Ed Harcourt, Friends, March 20, SXSW

Ed Harcourt, Friends, March 20 – I guess Ed Harcourt is a partier. The second he hit the stage at the bar Friends, he announced that he has not slept for two days and looked the part. Then one minute later, he broke the string on his guitar and had to borrow someone else’s. Obviously a bit out of it, the British singer songwriter sang a short 3 or 4 song set, including ‘Born in the 70s’. I hope his set the following days were better then this one, as most people who packed the bar came away a bit disappointed.

Sofia Talvik, SXSW, March 21, Sheraton Lobby

Sofia Talvik – We happened upon Sofia Talvik‘s showcase at SXSW by accident. Once it became evident that we arrived a bit too early for Perez Hilton’s party, me and Allison decided we needed a place to chill. The Sheraton was our closest option so we went there for a pint (a cheap one too, to my surprise). I was actually quite pleased with the Sheraton bar. The beer was cheap and also they had free wasabi peas. Much to our surprise, there was this blond singer and a band playing there for SXSW. The singer was Sofia Talvik and she played a solid blend of acoustic folk music much to the delight of the people at the bar. I felt compelled to at least make a note of this performance since it must be hella tough to come all the way from Ikealand to play in a hotel lobby in Texas.