Hot Docs

Hot Docs Review: Gnarr [2010, Gaukur Úlfarsson]

Posted on by Mark in Hot Docs, Reviews | Leave a comment

Toronto – In May of 2009, Iceland found itself in utter turmoil. After having shut down most European flights, that crazy volcano was still smouldering and causing sporadic havok. In addition, the economy was in shambles. The country’s cheeks were about as red as Eyjafjallajokull’s lava. Icelanders felt completely disillusioned with the rampant corruption of their government. The financial turmoil in Iceland seemed to be powered by the reckless greed and brinkmanship of suits and politicians so very removed from the values of the people.

I had the opportunity to be in Iceland at the time, and it seemed like everyone was pausing to have a good post-concussion blink. I picked up a copy of the Reykjavik Grapevine and was introduced to comedian Jón Gnarr. After being so underwhelmed with politics of the day, he decided on a lark to form his own party and run for mayor. His platform included such gems as a drug-free parliament by 2020, a polar bear for the zoo, free towels at the pool and “all kinds of things for weaklings”.

“This campaign begun solely so that I can get a good salary and use the city’s summerhouse by the water.” –Jón Gnarr

Underneath all the comedy was a message that resonated with the people of Reykjavik. Maybe sustainable growth was better than that other kind? Something really weird happened: people got excited about politics. All of a sudden an outsider was on the inside and speaking truth to power. Before long, the aptly named “Best Party” became a serious contender for the mayor-ship. Within a month of my visit, Jon Gnarr was sworn in as mayor of Iceland’s largest city.

Politics is a weird thing. It informs so much of what we as a people can do. It spells out our rights and the parameters of our society. It has a cyclical and intimate relationship with our very values. That being said, it’s easy to see how people get depressed when they see government’s so routinely campaign on one platform and govern from another.

For the politically-minded, this is a heartening story. As Canadians head to the polls shortly for their own election, I hope that we can catch even a bit of the fever of Iceland one year ago. Decisions are made by the people who show up.

Gnarr plays at Hot Docs, with screenings on May 1, 2, and 8th.

Hot Docs: New Castle [2011, Guo Hengqi]

Posted on by Ricky in Hot Docs | Leave a comment

Toronto – China’s rise from impoverish nation to economic power has not come without costs. New Castle is a documentary that provides us with a quick but devastating glimpse at the high prices the Chinese people had to pay for their country to prosper. Taking a no bullshit approach, film maker Guo Hengqi shows the entire film without narration, relying on conversations and testimonials from people to provide the tale. A three part act, we are first taken to the hillside and meet a group of roving miners who have arrived for a quick job. if the job did not pay sufficiently, they seek out another place. The group of miners decide to stay and we are shown the lives of a miner. It’s as what you would expect – dirty, dangerous and unforgiving. The first time you see a pitch black minor returning from a day at the mind will have you thankful for whatever boring desk job you might have. The next two acts play out in Xinbu, an ancient village located in the remote province of Shanxi. People have been leaving this village in droves for the larger cities and now with a population of less than a hundred, the government has decided to move the people of Xinbu and destroy the town. Obviously, the citizens of the city are not pleased and we follow the villagers as they attempt to make sense of what is becoming of their life as traditions are abandoned and they are basically forced to move into government built row houses.

Ultimately a rather depressing documentary about the state of rural China, New Castle does not paint a pretty picture but it paints a truthful picture. While a lack of narration might have the viewer’s guessing at some points, the conversations between villagers, minors and family members will keep you engaged. Some of the visuals within the documentary are breathtaking and this documentary will definitely be interesting to those who wonder about some of the costs of rapid modernization of any country. My only complaint is that the pacing is rather pedestrian and so the 112 minute documentary feels like a 112 minute documentary.

Co-presented with Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival

Fri, Apr 29 6:15 PM
TIFF Bell Lightbox 3 Rush Tickets
Sun, May 1 1:30 PM
TIFF Bell Lightbox 3

Hot Docs: Opening Night Previews

Posted on by Ricky in Hot Docs | Leave a comment

Toronto – It’s the end of April, and that means two things – hockey playoffs and Hot Docs. Now in it’s 18th year, Hot Docs is once again bigger and better then previous years. This year’s film festival will feature 200 hard hitting films from 43 countries, none of which is Rickaslavia, the imaginary country in my head that I am the overlord of. Why did I write that? I don’t know. 200 movies is a lot of movies to go through and can be overwhelming, so as the days roll on, we will be providing you with some previews for films we think are interesting. There’s only two films tonight, but they both look awesome.

POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold

With such documentaries such as Super Size Me and Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden under his belt, Morgan Spurlock is a bit of a documentary superstar. It’s no surprise his latest documentary – POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold is the opening film for this years’ festival. It’s a documentary about branding, product placement and corporate entertainment. It will most likely be hilarious.

Screens: Thu, Apr 28 6:30 PM @ Winter Garden Theatre, Fri, Apr 29 4:15 PM @ Isabel Bader Theatre


WHAT TIMING! With Toronto getting ready for it’s first ever UFC event this weekend, the film Fightville will provide many people and fans with an engaging perspective about the world of UFC and mixed martial arts in general. The documentary follows a few young competitors (not GSP) as they go through the painful trials and tribulations of being a MMA fighter. This film will definitely open up some eyes as it tries to show views that ultimate fighting is just not about brutality.

Thu, Apr 28 9:30 PM @ Winter Garden Theatre, Fri, Apr 29 1:45 PM @ Isabel Bader Theatre, Tue, May 3 3:45 PM @ Cumberland 2

HotDocs review: A small act [2010, Jennifer Arnold]

Posted on by Gary in Everything, Hot Docs, Reviews | 1 Comment

Toronto – On the last day of Hot Docs 2010, and in this my last review for the festival this year, I want to mention one thing. Ford Fiesta FAILS. For the number of screenings (136,000+ attendance, apparently) Hot Docs could do much better than a half-hearted CG sketch of 3 fake economy vehicles pretending to be fashionable. That type of marketing works well for Ferrari and Porsche – I hardly think men/women drool over a GEO equivalent thinking that it’ll be the next status symbol on their list. Why not hold a competition for short films with the help of NFB for that slot? Or Coca Cola, if short on commercial sponsors, which has found an interesting balance between commercial and short films?

Anyways. Now that my 2 cent is spent, let’s get on to the story of Chris Mburu. A small act follows Chris, a human rights attorney working for the UN, through the turmoil he and other had to go through to set up a local scholarship fund in his native Kenya. The impetus is a diminutive Jewish lady living in Sweden. For years, Hilde Back had given something like $15/month to a foundation, and directly sponsored Chris’ education from primary to secondary school. Since secondary school isn’t mandatory in Kenya, those who do not make it has little chance of learning anything beyond simple concepts. This does not only lowers the productivity, it further opens the population to political manipulations. Having worked in situations like those in Chad, Bosnia, Rwanda, Chris (and his cousin) believe that education is a solution to such problems – so they set up a foundation in Hilde’s honor. The film follows the inaugural year of this scholarship, which unfortunately coincided with an election and ethnic wars between Kenyan groups. It documents not only how the foundation is operated, but also the struggles of 3 top students in getting funded for the secondary education their families cannot afford.

This is a simple and easily sensational story. It’s difficult to not be moved by Kimani, Caroline, and Ruth when they thought they had disappointed their families. Many will cringe at how poor the conditions are, and lament at how many kids are left behind simple because they have no money. But that’s the whole point – how many, after cringing, actually pay forward this small act of kindness? Apparently quite a few. They raised $90,000 at the Hot Docs screenings alone. And when the film crew found out that only one of the students could be funded by the Hilde Back foundation, they pitched into help the other two. It ends Hot Docs for me on a warm note, but it’s not the best film this year by a long shot, not the least because Arnold has chosen an easy topic. But as long as it moves people to donate and volunteer for a higher cause, I will happily enjoy more warm-&-fuzzy documentaries.

Well that’s it. Hot Docs have been very interesting this year, and with age it only gets better. Until next year!