Hot Docs

HotDocs review: David wants to fly [2010, David Sieveking]

Posted on by Gary in Everything, Hot Docs, Reviews | 10 Comments

Toronto – I hate people who require spoon-feeding. So when after 15 minutes of interesting questions someone in the audience asks in a sentence too long to finish in one breath “what is the theme and the moral admonishment of the film”, I got up and left immediately. These are the same people who submits to transcendental meditation (TM, which incidentally would suck all logic out of the universe to trademark… because that’s like asking Batman to adorn/identify himself by wearing a smaller batman on his head). And TM, we are told in this film, was invented by a now deceased charlatan guru, is currently championed by David Lynch and other celebrities, owns and operates companies that sell drugs/vitamins, builds temples of invincibility and peace that houses no one while millions sleep in the sewers, and cannot help you find your inner self if your inner self hasn’t already found itself.

Basically, film school student David Sieveking had problems. He set out to learn about TM, which his idol Lynch said helped him become a better filmmaker. Upon acquiring the necessary tuition – 6 fresh fruits, 1 yellow flower, 1 white candle, and EU$2,308, he was given his person mantra and told to repeat it while meditating. Because his life arguably deteriorated, the disgruntled student started to explore the inner workings of TM instead, and found the story of the corporation to be full of holes, but their pockets full of cash. Slogans runs like “We will build City of Tranquility with 8,000 yogi fliers praying for world peace. You can’t ever visit them otherwise they will be polluted by the modern world”. Sieveking traces meditation all the way back to the Himalayan temple where the guru came from, and learned the truth about the guru and his own inner peace at last.

I do feel bad for David Lynch. His namesake interviewed him systematically, baiting for answers with questions. It was clear that Sieveking began the film with the expressed purpose of exposing TM. The scenes between David and Marie was quite obviously scripted, and the entire film looks like a satire with occasional pokes at Lynch. But I do believe the authenticity of the footage and what they portrayed. The interviews with past TM members around the world put into perspective the breadth of the population a movement like this can prey on. The most hilarious moment came when the Raja of Germany broke ground for the Tower of Invincibility at a WWII site in Berlin. The crowd reaction was golden.  Overall as an investigative piece the film was informative enough. But the antics were a little overdone, and detracts from the real message of the film.

HotDocs review: Feathered Cocaine [2010, Thorkell Hardarsson / Orn Marino Arnarson]

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Toronto – What does a converted Sikh man from Maine who trains falcons has to do with finding Osama bin Laden? Apparently lots. Alan Parrot seems to have a knack for running into characters who spend their holidays with the most wanted person in the world; and he also have a knack for making them talk on camera.

From early age, Parrot has been interested in birds and falcons especially. He skipped town, fled to Iran to learn how to train them. He somehow finding himself working at the Royal falconry in Tehran (apparently some old guy led him there). He spent the next few years capturing (legally, he said) Saker, peregrine and gyrfalcons for sale to the UAE. And when he noticed that the central Asian falcon population has dropped dramatically, he vows to stop this black-market trade.

This was probably the weirdest film and Q&A session that I saw at these Hot Docs. There was usually no tension between the crowd and the filmmakers. At Isabel Bader this afternoon tension was thick enough to skate on. One of the directors ranted on, speaking about their intention and falcons, for 10 minutes after opening the Q&A session, and then stole a question addressed to Parrot. Apparently they had started the film with the intention of making a conservation film, and only found Parrot, hence the entire Arabian branch, after the fact. The film itself went from a nature tone for the first 45 minutes, and then without warning became a full terrorist-hunting movie and stayed there for another 30 minutes showing evidence of support. And then it turns back to conservation and stopping black-market trades, ending with an ever so eloquent Kazakh eagle trainer. One viewer questioned Parrot’s conservation effort, basically tried to call his bluff, by asking for the “fur on the chair”. I didn’t even recall seeing that. Why Sherlock looked for a chair in a bird movie is beyond me, but Parrot’s answer was “faux lynx”… equally as bizarre. The film also did not make clear what constituted legal or illegal. Read this other, more complete review to get a better sense.

HotDocs review: Casino Jack and the United States of Money [2010, Alex Gibney]

Posted on by Gary in Everything, Hot Docs, Reviews | Leave a comment

Toronto – Jack Abramoff produced films… such as the Red Scorpion here. How did he become the top lobbyist on the Hill? The answer is closer to fiction than you think. Casino Jack and the United States of Money is a mesmerizing whirlwind tour of American politics from the vantage point of a lobbyist – the world’s your oyster and the only problems are regulations.

This is a fairly efficient portrait of everyone involved in the Abramoff/Scanlon scandal… after the fact. So most of the characters involved (Former Congressmen Bob Ney, Tom DeLay, and their aides) are interviewed with the occasional input from journalists who uncovered the whole deal to begin with. Due to the magnitude of the story, there’s ample material to work with. To make a long story short: the film tracks Jack Abramoff and his connections from his College Republican National Committee days, right up to the Inidan casino scandal. These political connections often come back as guests or accomplices, nodes off the main branch story.

Ultimately the film is depressing. As you shake your head in disbelief you also realize that it was allowed to occur. Since the roots went fairly deep,  it deserves to be seen by all – it gives a better handle for future events. To navigate the audience through a story this big in its entirety in 2 hrs is simply not a task for the uninitiated. Gibney and his team has really simplified the dots so it’s easy to connect. Those cutesy flow diagrams help, too. Was it greed or simply riding off the wave that was there? When the thread gets stretched from Chinese slave labour to Malaysians, from native tribes to Mexican casinos and Russian mobs, you just want to say: “No more”. I don’t really want to know how the model democracy of the day operates on rotten flesh of the disadvantaged. The narrative has a distinctive investigative journalism feel – basically the extended version of what you would find on DocZone or Fifth Estate, sans a host. Many of the cutback schemes, connections, characters (and especially the emails) are preposterously funny. To hear about ploys of tacking beneficial bits of legislative loopholes on bills in the Congress, FROM A CONGRESSMAN, really brings it home. (Since we’re following the American model, I wonder how long it’ll take the Canadians to copy that trick?) To those of you who are intimately familiar with this story it may not be news – then the value of the documentary may vary. But to me the film was engaging and manages to transform a political maelstrom into a clown show by relating Jack Abramoff to a spy novel protagonist. The whole thing DOES read like a fiction – too bad it’s real.

HotDocs review: Space Tourists [2009, Christian Frei]

Posted on by Gary in Everything, Hot Docs, Reviews | Leave a comment

Toronto -Three people are sitting in the claustrophobic cockpit of the docking module at the front of a Soyuz rocket. One of them lack the decades of training, military flight background, and scientific expertise typical of astronauts. Yet all shared the aspirations of being in space. As the countdown nears 60 seconds, a hushed prayer:

Here I am, at the center of the world.
Behind me, myriads of protozoa,
before me, myriads of stars.
I lie between them in my entirety.
Two shores taming the sea,
a bridge that joins two worlds.
And, dear God, a little butterfly,
a shred of golden silk,
laughs at me like a child.

I don’t know if Frei added that voice for dramatic effect, or do the Russian cosmonaut commanders always mutter this Tarkovsky poem before launch (I know for certain that if he did not use it multiple times in the film its romantic effect would have doubled). But Space Tourists is both a documentary and a dramatic piece of cinema. Its 3 parts joins together like the 3-stages of the Soyuz, propelling the audience toward a better understanding of the entire landscape surrounding the glacially expanding space tourism in Russia/Kazakhstan. Stage 1 is Jonas Bendiksen, who documented the former Soviet state through his photography. Pictures of desolate Soviet landscapes, abandoned space program headquarters, grimy and worn inhabitants are haunting, but it tells about past more than present. A band of Kazakh junk raiders contrasts with paying space tourists Anousheh Ansari and Charles Simonyi to show us the norm. The modern space program contributes to both rich and poor, in some poetic sense. A donation of 20 million dollars gets you sufficient training to withstand the launch, feeding the ailing Russian space program, while farmers and goat herders gets to salvage scrap metals and parts from the rocket stages. Where’s the future, then? Frei’s got that covered, too, with some footage from the X-prize challenges, and projects from the under-privileged ARCA (Romanian Cosmonautics and Aeronautics Association).

The film is beautiful to watch. There are, of course, rockets. And people flying down the tubes in Mir, swallowing water droplets, and demonstrating how to piss/poo. But the more interesting parts are the junk raiders cooking and eating from a piece of rocket gear that’s very very charred, and farm villages with a second stage rockets poking out of the field where livestocks roam. Obviously with the footage on Mir, Frei has no control over the camera. But within Star City, Baikonur Cosmodrome, and on the plains of Kazakhstan, the shots contributed much to the feeling of the film – a slight foreboding. There is a disjointed feeling, too. Although I put the film in that “3-stage” metaphor, it’s not really presented clearly in that fashion. The X-prize and Bendiksen parts seem especially alien to the rest of the film – almost like they were tacked on to sandwich the space flights. Seeing how much promise the space program had, and how it’s mostly abandoned, leaves quite a taste in the mouth. We could have all been up there, I guess, had we not been distracted by other “priorities”. Now, according to ARCA, we’ll all be dangling from a balloon for couple of hours before we’re shot up to space. Frankly, leaving my home planet on a trajectory dictated by the weather in a hand-crafted carbon-fiber diving bell is something I need to be paid to do.