Hot Docs

Hot Docs Review: The Fabulous Gold Harvesting Machine (Alfredo Pourailly De La Plaza ,2024)

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On the occasion of his 56th birthday, Chilean gold miner Toto writes a journal entry in which he notes, “There are hardly any miners anymore.”

Given the amount of labour he puts into his work in relation to his comparatively small yield, it’s hardly surprising that Toto is among the last of a dying breed. With some underlying health concerns on top of the fact that this is simply very demanding (and occasionally dangerous) work, it’s no surprise that it’s taking its toll on Toto, who, frankly, looks older than his 56 years at the outset of the film. But he has to keep working regardless because retirement isn’t an option and, really, it’s all he knows.

Starting off in 2017 and continuing on up to 2023, The Fabulous Gold Harvesting Machine follows the story of Toto and his son Jorge, who takes it upon himself to come up with a plan to help his father, eventually settling on the idea of building a device to help Toto with this very taxing labour. As the story unfolds, the film develops into a character study, examining the relationship between the stubborn, pessimistic Toto and his son, who is often frustrated at his father’s point of view. This relationship forms the emotional core of The Fabulous Gold Harvesting Machine, which is ultimately a film about hope.

Hot Docs Review: Soviet Barbara, the Story of Ragnar Kjartansson in Moscow (Gaukur Ulfarsson, 2023)

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Ragnar Kjartansson is an Icelandic artist who works across multiple media, with his work often incorporating aspects of performance art. As one art critic puts it when describing his work, “Ragnar does not shy from frankly emotional works.” Another thing Ragnar apparently does not shy away from is putting on an ambitious show at a Russian art gallery at a time when maybe going to Russia is not the best plan.

Inspired by the surprising popularity of American soap opera Santa Barbara following the fall of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, Kjartansson decided that alongside an exhibit of some of his older works, he would stage a fairly ambitious conceptual piece – a recreation of Santa Barbara live in the museum, in Russian. One episode per day for 99 days. Soviet Barbara tells the story of the ultimately aborted project and all of the challenges faced and compromises made along the way.

Among those challenges are the changes that have to be made to one piece, at first omitting a sexually explicit video that was part of the larger piece and representing it with a blank screen before being told that he couldn’t do that and then replacing it with a wry video of the exhibit’s promoters sitting by a fire and reading magazines. Another challenge is seen in Kjartansson’s attempts to walk the fine line of putting on a work with some subversive political messages while also doing interviews wherein he states that the work is not explicitly political.

This tension is also represented in the film as the exhibition is visited by two diametrically opposed guests – Russian president Vladimir Putin (who does not appear onscreen, and in fact Ragnar Kjartansson wasn’t even invited to the pre-opening party which Putin attended) and Pussy Riot’s Masha Alekhina. I’ll give you one guess as to which of those two Kjartansson is more politically alligned with. Also along for the ride are Santa Barbara co-creators Bridget and Jerome Dobson, with one amusing moment coming when Jerome is introduced to Masha and then asks whether he could be arrested for talking to her.

While the invasion of Ukraine ultimately forces Kjartansson to cancel his show (“I had to stop it. I couldn’t continue while this horror is happening.”), we at least still have this film to show us a bit of what could have been. It’s a compelling, entertaining story which also acts as a powerful examination of the power of art and its role in society.

Hot Docs Review: Praying For Armageddon (Tonje Hessen Schei, 2022)

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Praying For Armageddon examines the American fundamentalist evangelical movement and its growing connections to and influence over some elements of the U.S. government, including the military and foreign policy. While this connection is not exactly news to anyone who’s been following, well, the news over the past few years, it’s still a bit of a shock to see elected representatives saying things on camera like, “I believe Jesus will come back. And I’m gonna be on his side.” Isn’t this the same country whose constitution famously features a line about the separation of church and state? Then again, it’s also a country whose money proclaims “In God We Trust,” so mixed messaging is nothing new there.

Billing itself as a political thriller, Praying For Armageddon doesn’t exactly live up to that promise. Yes, it’s certainly political, and I suppose you could say there are some thrills, but while it’s a compelling story, it’s not quite Three Days Of The Condor or The Manchurian Candidate. What Praying For Armageddon does have going for it, though, is the fact that, unlike the other films I mentioned, this is real life – it’s all really happening. Which makes it all just a bit more frightening than your standard political thriller.

Hot Docs Review: Undertaker For Life! (Georges Hannan, 2022)

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I’m not going to lie – a small part of me was a little disappointed to learn that Georges Hannan’s Undertaker For Life! (aka Croque-mort. C’est beau la vie!) was a film about actual undertakers and not a documentary covering the life and times of WWE wrestler The Undertaker. However, once I got over that initial disappointment, I figured I’d give the film a chance anyways. And while the life of a pro wrestler and that of an undertaker are worlds apart, one thing that the film makes clear is there’s at least one thing they have in common – much like wrestling, being an undertaker is not that easy, and it’s definitely not for everyone.

Examining the life of an undertaker through interviews with several members of the profession, Undertaker For Life! is an interesting look at the inevitability of death, the importance of grieving, what it’s like to do the job of an undertaker. It may not always be the easiest of jobs, but as the film demonstrates, it’s an important one.