Concert Review: V-Fest 2007, Toronto Island

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Toronto – So around this time every year, Toronto becomes this huge festive town. First, there is obviously the Toronto International Film Festival (more on that later), then as of last year, Richard Branson decided to throw a big music festival at the same time (no doubt, to make his presence known in the city at the time). Who am I to complain? Anyways, this year, I was lucky enough to get Vfest tickets for my birthday and here are the acts I saw. Since I did not manage to see that many acts, I will keep encompass everything into one show

MIA – I really, really wanted to see MIA, however, a football game, forgotten ticket, extra ticket and general laziness prevented me from seeing them. Really, who can make it to a music festival for 4? That’s ridiculously early. Anyways, I was MIA for MIA (ha!) but I heard she was fantastic.

Arctic Monkeys – Last time I saw the Arctic Monkeys, it was at Lees Palace in October 2005 or something, and the hype was just beginning. Its funny to see how big they have become, mostly because of myspace and the internet. I remember downloading their demos and trying to find whatever I could, mostly because I loved the song fake tales of san francisco and mardy bum. Of course, nowadays I can’t even name two songs off their sophmore album. I am always surprise to see the type of crowd that enjoys the same music I do, and it seemed like a lot of people enjoyed the Monkeys. I guess they are pretty popular now. What about their set? it was decent, very professional, almost run of the mill, the lead singer didn’t really interact with the crowd like he did at Lees Palace and there was no Mardy Bum. Once again.


Interpol – There is nothing I can saw about the Interpol act that I haven’t said already in my review of their concert in june – read it here. I think they might of worn the exact same outfit. It’s really hard to tell. They kinda looked bored, but maybe they always look bored. Still, I like them, so its hard to not enjoy a set of theirs. I have seen them four times and NEVER have they played the specialist, which is probably my favorite Interpol song behind evil.


Bjork – how the hell do you follow up two indie-rock bands with bjork? but then again, what could you have that could lead into bjork that would seem appropriate? Anyways, you can tell right away that Bjork knows how to rock a festival. First of all, the backup singers were dressed like a combination of a teletubbie and some kind plants. That’s trippy. Then she comes out and theres confetti everywhere and she shoots frickin confetti out from her arms, and of course she is dressed up as some kind of big bird meets enviro ninja get up. Nevermind the fact that I can probably name five or six Bjork songs, when she came on .. you knew this was the main event. She also had this green beam of laser that probably shot out like five hundred yards, maybe it was to signal her alien buddies or something I dunno. Considering that I am not familiar with her stuff, it was pretty good, she has an amazing voice, although it all kinda sounds very similar after awhile. I will just chalk that up to unfamiliarity.


Editors – So I only saw two acts on the Sunday, because a certain TIFF film took priority (more on that later). I arrived in time to see the Editors at the Future shop stage. The stage is huge, but the crowd was small, most of the people were probably at the main stage watching Brandon Flowers trying to imitate Morrissey. Come on, the Killers suck live, more or less. The Editors, were awesome. They were very crisp and very sharp, and their music really comes alive at the festival. The lead singer has a very deep voice, much like Paul Banks of Interpol..or Ian Curtis. I thought they put on an excellent show, too bad hardly anyone was there to see it.


Smashing Pumpkins – the main event. Honestly, I only saw them cos I missed them in high school. I guess a lot of people did too, and a lot of people there were probably in high school. Lucky for me, I was able to move to fairly close of the stage. Well, theres no luck there, I guess theres two types of concert goers, the type who are satisfied where they are, if they are far away, and there theres people like me, who want to get as close as possible, and will pretty much take a feet everytime you give an inch. Anyways, yeah so the Pumpkins came on and everyone cheered, then they played some new song everyone didn’t know and everyone was like err what is this. Then Billy decided to do some kind of guitar solo for about five minutes and I heard some jeers. After another song, they went to ‘Bullet with Butterfly wings’. From then on, it was a decent mixture of new and old. Billy can’t really hit the high notes that well anymore and well, the new stuff, I no likey. I will say, of all the songs I heard at V-Fest this year, ‘Tonight, Tonight’ was the best. It was pretty awesome. There was also an acoustic version of 1979, and the set finishing Today. No Disarm though, overall, more or less what I expected. Too bad they didn’t do a greatest hits thing, that would of satisfied everyone, so obviously, that would never happen.


Overall, I wish I got to see some of the earlier acts, as I bet Stars, MIA, Blonde Redhead, Clientele would have been great to watch, but that is life, I guess.

Movie Review: Bourne Ultimatum

Posted on by Ricky in Concerts, Everything, Movies | 1 Comment

Toronto – Any debate of Bonds vs Bourne ends with this movie. Oh my god was it fantastic. Some naysayers will say that this movie was just one big chase scene, or a movie from one chase scene to another, but for pure adrenaline sakes, this movie was just off the charts. For those who don’t know, Bourne Ultimatum is the last (maybe) movie for the Bourne series. The first was one was good will hunting, where we learn how Jason Bourne became an adult, then he became a spy and killed Robin Williams, Ben Affleck (twice) and Minnie Driver in the prequel to the Bourne Series (to be released still). Anyway, in this movie, Bourne is mad and trying to figure out how it all went wrong. Somehow this leads him to places like London, Madrid, Tangiers and New York City.

But really, who cares about the plot. This is the summer baby! its all about mindless action and this movie definitely delivers. There are some chase/fight scenes in this movie that will definitely impress and its non stop action for pretty much two hours. I think it is probably the best action movie of the summer. My only complain would be the over-usage of quick zooms and cuts, but that is pretty much every action movie now days.


Concert Review: Los Campesinos, August 7, Horseshoe

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Toronto – On a hot and sweaty night, several acts plied their trade around the great town known as Toronto. Among them included ipod darlings The Fratellis and buzz band The Cribs. Having seen the Cribs, and not really interested in seeing the Fratellis, I opted to go check out the latest from the Arts and Craft label, a quirky happy rock act from Wales known as Los Campesino. Why you ask? well, it was free. How can you turn that down. Really.

I am glad that the Horseshoe has a great air conditioning system, otherwise this show would have been a lot worse (as would any show). The band came on around 10:30 (I arrived about 3 minutes prior) and instantly launched into one of their happy happy rock songs. From what I recall, they were a six piece band, including a violin player. Two of them wore truckers hat , which I think breaks some sort of fashion rule. One would later discard the hat.

Los Campesino’s music can only be described as happy happy rock. Every song is full and soaring, making use of violins, synths, xylophones and everything. I guess I would be happy too if I lived in Wales and somehow found an easy way out. The lead singers voice sounds like a mix between the guy from hefner, geneva and clap your hands. So its realtively high pitched. One of the chicks in the band provides backing vocals. I thought the band played a good set, they were very energetic and were obviously very happy to be here, despite the oppressive heat and the fact that they weren’t probably making too much money from this show.

They played about 45 minutes, and I think they exhausted everything they had in their catalogue. Highlights include their hit singles ‘’ and ‘we throw parties, you throw knives’. The crowd seemed pretty into it, and I was able to get a good view and a seat, and also managed to sucker the people I was going with to go eat pho afterwards. So overall, a pretty good showing from this band. I expect the crowd to be larger next time, and they might want to charge a dollar or two.


CD Review: Kate Nash – Made of Bricks

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I love the song foundations, but then when someone pointed out that this album sounds like someone copied and pasted some live journal entries over the some really did feel like that. So basically, the album was kinda disappointing. I can see where the Lily Allen comparisons come up, but this is far inferior and far less original. However, she’s only 19 or something, so I guess its a pretty good start regardless.