
Burger Review: The Burger, Wickson Social

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Welcome to part 4 of the Burger Review. This is a series based on a top 10 list of burgers published in Toronto Life.

If you have been following this series (and you better be), you will know that thus far the burgers have not met our high standards of excellence. We were seriously doubting our source. Surely the guy ate a burger a day, but I mean, how refined is his palette? Or perhaps how unrefined is our palette? There was a lot of doubt and angst at this part of the journey.

It was with some trepidation that we continued. The next burger took place at the Wickson Social, a place from the owners of the Queen and Beaver and the Oxley.

The Burger:
The Burger & Fries – hand chopped steak, aged cheddar, house cured bacon – 19$

Just a reminder, the control burger in this experiment is the Skyline burger (that is the middle of the pack) with the upper range being Casino El Camino’s Amarillo burger from Austin, Texas.

The Verdict:

Since the Wickson Social menu takes it’s inspiration from British grub, I’ll quote a song from English band Primal Scream about the experience:

I was blind, now I can see
You made a believer out of me
I was blind, now I can see
You made a believer out of me

I’m movin’ on up now
Getting out of the darkness
My light shines on

Finally, a good burger.

The burger came with a nice crispy bun that was firm but fair. Unlike the greasy mess that was some previous burgers, this burger had a clean taste and experience and never broke shape during the whole eating experience. Excellent handfeel. I loved the fact that my fingers did not glisten with grease after eating this thing.

The patty itself was excellent. The menu highlighted that this was “hand chopped” steak and the meat definitely had a more refined quality to it. It certainly didn’t taste like grounded up chuck. I wonder what hand chopped steak burger actually means. Do they take a steak, and then chop it up into bits and then use those bits to form the patty? We will never know. A mystery unsolved for the rest of eternity. Nevertheless, the patty was very tasty.

The burger itself was simple and to the point, much like the English. There was the high quality patty, a very nice aged cheddar and bacon on it. There was nothing else besides those items. No tomato, no lettuce. The burger didn’t need any of it. You could make an argument that the bacon in this burger was not necessary, as the saltiness of the bacon detracted from what you should be focusing on – the patty. This is coming from a guy who routinely goes to the butcher shop, buys bacon and then figures out what to do with it afterwards.

The only complaint we had was that the burger was pretty small for 19$. It was by far the smallest burger we have had and for 19$ you expect a bit more. I don’t even think it was 1/3 of a pound. Maybe I’m cheap. I don’t know. The fries were also the weakest we’ve had so far, but this isn’t a fries review. The fries were too thick for my liking.

It’s been an emotional rollercoaster of ground meats over the last few months, and I for one was very happy with this burger. If anything, it vindicated this guy’s list (although we are still highly skeptical). Another bad burger would have left severe distaste in our mouth and minds but the quality of this burger has shown that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Here is fellow burger enthusiast Sarah’s take on it:
“This burger was definitely the best we’ve had so far. It helped to restore my faith in the concept meat between two buns. And I liked the pepper kick. I’d go back and eat this one again (if I was celebrating something like finding a $20 bill on the floor, because this burger wasn’t cheap.)”

We have decided this is now at the top of our list (for Toronto).

Burger Scale

Amarillo Burger, Casino El Camino – 10$ USD
The Burger, Wickson Social – 19$
Prime Beef Double Cheeseburger, Museum Tavern – 19$
Skyline Burger, Skyline Diner – 14$
Game Burger, Antler – 18$
Vegan Mac Daddy, Doomies – 16$

Hot Docs Review: Do Donkeys Act? (David Redmon and Ashley Sabin, 2017)

Posted on by Gary in Everything, Hot Docs, Reviews | Leave a comment


In your younger days, at zoos, did you ever imagine the fate of the animals that brightened your half-day, in 10 to 20 years? It’s a strange question, in spirit similar to “if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around, does it make a sound”? If we go further with the anthropomorphization – does the tree hurt? Do Donkeys Act if no one is watching? This film is a meditation on these oblique questions, seen from the inside of donkey rescue centres around the world.

Rather than asking why, it’s perhaps easier to question why not donkeys. They aren’t often thought highly of. They aren’t typical mascots of sports teams, and have rarely been imbued with any honorable ideals unless steadfast stubbornness is a virtue. And unlike bird or whale songs, all that braying can be harsh and almost too primal to relate to as a human. The fact that asses still bookend jeers and jokes all around the world in many cultures is telling. But of course they are just as adjective as that horse on the Ferrari badge. And all any human has ever done with either is to burden them – with weights, status, morals, and other mostly human concerns. Without all the projections, even donkeys can be interesting.

As with many engrossing and immersive projects, Do Donkeys Act requires a degree of patience. Watching veterinarians’ and donkeys’ daily routine has never topped any list of things to do before one dies. But we (some of us) naturally become observant and empathetic if there are no immediate alternatives. This film will definitely draw a self-selected crowd. As a conservation slash humanitarian piece, Do Donkeys Act is indeed very charming. Many things magically transform when put in front of a portrait lens with good bokeh. My problem, which will perhaps be other people’s delight, is the poetic narration courtesy of Willem Dafoe. If the whole idea of removing imposed morals and emotions to see whether “donkeys act” of their own volition was the aim, then the pointed prose instructing the viewers on how to interpret donkey behavior is a direct, condescending antithesis. Anyone who volunteered to watch donkeys bray, walk, defecate, and give-birth for 70 odd minutes likely pride themselves in forming cogent thoughts. This film will do just fine without anyone complementing a donkey’s “hidden dynamism” as it trots along. Of course, if you are looking for an Ode to Beasts of Burden Past, this is perfect. Personally, I’d rather imagine the smells in those rescue centres than be told of it.

Hot Docs Preview: Tokyo Idols [Kyoko Miyake]

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Tokyo Idols is an absolutely fascinating documentary about “idols”, a Japanese music phenomena mostly consisting of young girls dressed up in costumes and performing J-pop songs. Following both the Idols and their fans, the documentary presents the story of idol obsession from both sides, and how closely the two are intertwined.

There are some wow moments in this documentary and it sheds light on subculture in a culture that for the most part, is mostly closed off to worlds like ours. It’s a riveting piece and will spark all types of conversations among those who watch it.

Highly recommended

Mon, May 1, 9:15 PM @ Scotiabank, Cinema 4
Wed, May 3, 10:30 AM @ TIFF Bell Lightbox 3
Sun, May 7, 10:00 AM @TIFF Bell Lightbox 1

Hot Docs Preview: Living the Game [Takao Gotsu, 2017]

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With the emergence of e-sports over the past decade, it was only a matter of time before a documentary came out about it.

Living the Game is a film that follows the lives of several professional Street Fighter players. It’s an interesting tale focusing heavily on two very different personalities and how they tackle the struggles of being a professional gamer (there are five gamers featured, but two are heavily featured). What I found interesting is that the tale told could theoretically be about any sport, as it dives through struggles with training, maintaining a balanced life and also needing to sort out what happens after their careers are finished. The director does a great job highlighting both the good and the bad, making it a real struggle that the audience can connect with even if they don’t play video games.

Tue, May 2 @ 8:30 PM Scotiabank Theatre 4
Thu, May 4 @ 8:45 PM Scotiabank Theatre 7
Sun, May 7 @ 6:15 PM Scotiabank Theatre 3