
Hot Docs Review: So This Is Christmas (Ken Wardrop, 2023)

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Christmas. It’s merry. It’s jolly. It’s happy. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right? At least that’s what the song says.

Of course, we know this can’t be the case for everyone and in So This Is Christmas, director Ken Wardrop reminds us that Christmas is not always the happiest time of the year for some, but rather a sad reminder of what they may be lacking in their lives.

The film follows several residents of a small Irish town, each of whom is dealing with something that makes the holiday season just a bit harder for them, be it economic hardship, the loss of a loved one, loneliness, or just an uncertainty about which direction they’re headed in life. The sadness in each of their stories is contrasted with random scenes of a more stereotypically festive nature, which really helps to illustrate the divide between what each of them is going through and the ever-present holiday cheer with which they’re bombarded every time they leave the house.

Among those profiled in So This Is Christmas, the most affecting stories come from a widower trying to keep it together and stay strong for his sons as they face their first Christmas without their mother and from an older woman dealing with loneliness and isolation during the holiday season. And though the latter, a self-proclaimed cynic, states that she’s gotten used to the solitude, we get a heartbreaking peek into how it still has an effect on her when she says to the camera, “Loneliness is one thing, but being invisible and forgotten is something else.”

Still, while it can all get a bit downbeat at times, it’s not entirely bleak. The film does offer up some glimmers of hope with each of its subjects working with the cards they’ve been dealt and seemingly making an effort to look on the bright side as much as possible. And that in itself suggests that at least some of that stereotypical Christmas cheer has made its way into their lives after all.

Hot Docs Review: The Fabulous Gold Harvesting Machine (Alfredo Pourailly De La Plaza ,2024)

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On the occasion of his 56th birthday, Chilean gold miner Toto writes a journal entry in which he notes, “There are hardly any miners anymore.”

Given the amount of labour he puts into his work in relation to his comparatively small yield, it’s hardly surprising that Toto is among the last of a dying breed. With some underlying health concerns on top of the fact that this is simply very demanding (and occasionally dangerous) work, it’s no surprise that it’s taking its toll on Toto, who, frankly, looks older than his 56 years at the outset of the film. But he has to keep working regardless because retirement isn’t an option and, really, it’s all he knows.

Starting off in 2017 and continuing on up to 2023, The Fabulous Gold Harvesting Machine follows the story of Toto and his son Jorge, who takes it upon himself to come up with a plan to help his father, eventually settling on the idea of building a device to help Toto with this very taxing labour. As the story unfolds, the film develops into a character study, examining the relationship between the stubborn, pessimistic Toto and his son, who is often frustrated at his father’s point of view. This relationship forms the emotional core of The Fabulous Gold Harvesting Machine, which is ultimately a film about hope.

SXSW Film Review: Natatorium [Helena Stefansdottir, 2024]

Posted on by Gary in Reviews, South By Southwest | Leave a comment

The spoiler free version – Natatorium is an engaging psychological thriller about a family’s troubled past resurfacing upon the injection of fresh blood (pictured below).

And now that we have gotten that fast-forward urge out of the way, it’s time to properly look this film as the well-paced art-house character study it is. Natatorium oozes style from the opening scene and promises to unravel layers of meanings and secrets.

The whole story takes place in the confines of a mid-century concrete house. Had it not been for the oppressive atmosphere, one might well have felt quite comfortable browsing for the sleek high-end wares as if shopping for Icelandic souvenirs in Rammagerdin on Rainbow Street. Because of the modern set design, the significance of out-of-place things – an altar here, an old photo there – stood-out immediately. The pool in the basement, for which the film is named, is the wonky central. And every element of the film implies that the water in the house is sinister.

Despite the many unfinished hints, any trace of actual horror is left mostly to the imagination. This film is dedicated to the inter-personal struggle beneath the surface, and stays literal to this onto the last scene. The cast can be split into two camp, one includes an overly eager grandpa, an emaciated homosexual uncle, and a successful but cowardly father. And on the other team is the blossoming teenage starlet, the independent aunt and apothecary, and the matriarch. This seemed to have been set up to fulfill a stereotypical role reversal. Had the biological sex of the whole cast been inverted, wizards may still ignite the topics explored on tradition vs. freedom… albeit not as effectively as witches. Much of the dialogue reveals information while also inviting deeper intrigue. But at times I felt too many potential conversations were crammed into one scene.

Director Helena Stefánsdóttir, lead actress Elin Petersdóttir and author Celeste Ramos, parts of whose short story “Swim” were adapted for the film, were in attendence for the post-film Q&A. It’s a shame that the showing was tiny (<15 people) as there was clearly abundant opportunity for discussion. SxSW’s program manager did his best to lead and mediate, but when the first member of the audience to speak spewed out, “I have always found Icelandic stuff to be weird and confusing and this film confirmed what I’ve come to know,” it was a little dispiriting.

Helena lamented that, as a process of making the film, much was changed beyond recognition that she has had to reach back into her notes/script to find the original framework. Celeste noted that the original story was much heavier on death but the film is lighter and does not bludgeon the audience with it as a burden. And Elin, whose expressions were central to the film’s uncanny atmosphere, shared tricks she had for portraying the unyielding grandma. Overall, the film is beautifully made with clearly deliberate decisions in each and every corner. And while it might not resonate with a large crowd, it is a strong work with a long after-taste that keeps the brain churning.

SXSW Film Review: Turtles [David Lambert, 2024]

Posted on by Gary in Reviews, South By Southwest | Leave a comment

The volunteer reading his introduction script prior to the screening of Turtles spelled it out succinctly and correctly: “You will feel many a thing watching this film,” he said, which is a fair preview.

Turtles rests its foundation on a fairytale scenario, some would (and did) say a contrived one. In the midst of the AIDS pandemic in the 1980s, an English drag-queen named Thom quit his job and emigrated to France to marry his true love. This was made affordable only because a (dying) angel of a friend gave them the deeds to an inherited townhouse smack in the middle of Paris on a single condition – that they raise/keep two box turtles named Topsy and Turvy so long as they live in the house together.

Let it be said that the Gendarmerie has no time to check-in on the health of aging turtles, reptilian or otherwise, to enforce such a contract. The taboos around homosexuality were purposefully countered by these equally absurd setpieces. And this allowed the film to focus squarely on the evolving love between these two people, 35 years on. I became an instant fan of this film the moment Siri was asked to play Ottawan’s “Hands Up (Give Me Your Heart)” as an ode to love while the drag-queen in his sixties danced to entice his husband, who is recently retired from both job and love.

Suffice it to say that Turtles narrates a divorce, but one wherein the French judiciary system is made a mockery of. The ensemble of lawyers, judges, and bystanders displayed a LOT of patience as the courtroom became no more solemn than a 100 square-foot kitchen replete with domestic highs and lows. Thom desperately tried every trick in the book to reboot his Henri back into their lives including giving up for good and going back to his glory-days as a drag-queen, complete with wrinkles under his belt. It is funny, tear-jerking, momentarily grotesque, but always warm. I don’t know if the bilingual angle has any metaphorical meaning other than a Canadian nod, but it does not hinder the film. If you are not a homophobe, I highly recommend the film. And if you are, watch and learn some top-notch empathy from Madam Justice.