Song of the Day

Song of the Day: Radiation City – The Color of Industry

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Maxville – All things Portland these days begin and end with the phrase “Put a bird on it” but Cameron Spies and Lizzy Ellison are going to make the bold attempt to change that. They are the founding members of the band Radiation City, a low fi sixties inspired pop band. Their debut album, The Hands That Take You is out on September 27th and this summery track is on it.

I always say* “summer time requires summer time music” and this track is a great example of that – jangly, lovely backing vocals and a toe tapping pace. Perfect for lounging around a swimming pool or preparing a salad from your garden. Check it out. No bird required.


Retro Can Con Song of the Day: The Organ – Brother

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Ottawa – For a while there, The Organ was the next big thing in Canada. Fronted by Katie Sketch, the all girl new wave band had released a wicked album in 2004 called Grab That Gun. It was a dark, moody album with nods to other ambassadors of that particular dark wave of music – The Smiths, The Cure, Joy Division. Focused and concise, The Organ’s debut album was sadly, also their last as the band broke up shortly after. Still, we are left with a few select tracks to reflect on the band that was. This song is one of them. Check it out.

These days, you can find Katie Sketch running the pub Henhouse, along Dundas west stretch.

Song of the Day: The Jezabels – Mace Spray

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Ottawa – Today’s edition of Song of the Day features once again, another artist on the Triple J compilation I somehow got my hands on at some recent point in my life.

The Jezabels are an indie rock band from Sydney, Australia. They are unique because most Australian exports these days are of the electro pop party variety whereas The Jezabel’s dramatic indie rock approach is a nice departure from the usual suspects. This song originally caught my ears when it magically came up on my winamp during work and I thought it was a Jenny Watson song I’ve never heard before. Lead singer Hayley Mary has a nice powerful voice that has that soulful edge to it. It’s odd when a singer so young has a voice that sounds like it’s seen all that their is to see, but this lady has a voice definitely along those lines. This track is off their EP She’s So Hard and is a great sample of why The Jezabels are generating so much excitement back home. Their debut album Prisoner is out September 16. Have a listen.

Retro Mainstream Song of the Day: Rachel Stevens – Some Girls

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Toronto – Back in the day, there was a show called S Club 7. I think the producers were trying to capitalize on the success of the Spice Girls by creating a similar band, but also add guys and a tv show. As a result, S Club 7 was created. As far as I know, here’s how you described the seven members:

(From top left, going clockwise)

The sporty gymnastic one
Baby Spice v2
Some dude, looks like he has an edge
The black guy, who may or may not have rapped
The hot chick
The sexually ambiguous Christian/Aryan looking one
The Ugly chick who does all the singing

So when the band dismissed, you would think the one who could sing would have the best post breakup career.


Somehow, the hottest girl in the group, Rachel Stevens broke through in the UK with her blend of radio friendly electro pop sounding songs. This track, produced by Richard X is a perfect example of that. It’s catchy and while might be a bit poppy for your average indie listener, it is no doubt a catchy track for the summer or a party.

Rachel Stevens “Some Girls” by thegreydahlia

I have no idea why I made this a song of the day.