SXSW Song of the Day: Bubble Tea and Cigarettes – 5AM Empanada With You

I love Bubble Tea, so naturally I will gravitate towards any band with Bubble Tea in their name. I also love Empanadas, so when I saw on the SXSW Playlist that there was a band called Bubble Tea and Cigarettes with a song called “5AM Empanada With You,” it was an easy “lets check out what this song is about.”

Unsurprisingly, this song was good. To the title’s credit, it really does have that 5am, I’m too awake to sleep, but too tired to stay up vibe.

A little bit about the band – Bubble Tea and Cigarettes, also known as Kat and Andi, are a duo formed in New York but now residing in LA. Their music has that dreamy late night melancholy vibe to it, and I dig it.

Bubble Tea and Cigarettes play St. David’s Historic Sanctuary on March 13 @ 8:00pm and Empire Control Room on March 15 @ 4:20pm.

Posted on by Ricky in Song of the Day, South By Southwest

About Ricky

Britpop lovin Chinaman, consumer of all things irrelevant. Toronto Raptors fan.