Song of the Day: IVE – Kitsch

I’ve been quite obsessed with K-pop this year. One of the things I like about Korean’s version of pop music is their complete disregard for sticking to one type of genre in their songs. Frequently a song will change on a dime from standard bubblegum pop fare to add something completely wild and it’s refreshing.
The song “Kitsch” by girl group Ive is a great example. While most of their tunes are pretty much by the template K-pop, “Kitsch” is a confusing bit of a song that endears itself to you after a listen or two.

The track starts out as your normal bubblegum retro sounding K-pop track which, you know, sounds pretty good – full of hooks and catchy vocals. When you hit the chorus though, the track takes a 90 degree turn into something completely different before reverting back.

It was so wild for me when I heard this track, I was like what happened? Did some producer think, “You know what’s good for this moment? CLUB TRACK!” Anyways like I said it eventually endeared itself to me.

Check out the song below.

Posted on by Ricky in Song of the Day

About Ricky

Britpop lovin Chinaman, consumer of all things irrelevant. Toronto Raptors fan.