Song of the Day: VV Brown – The Apple


There’s changing your musical direction and then there’s CHANGING YOUR MUSICAL DIRECTION.

VV Brown‘s new album, Samson & Delilah is such a departure from her previous work that it’s hard to believe it comes from the same person. Gone are the bubble gum nostalgic node to 60’s pop sound of Travelling Like a Light, instead it is replaced by gritty throbbing heavy electronics and a more operatic vocal style that some would compare to Grace Jones. The results are fantastic. Absolutely fantastic.

The Apple is one of the singles off the album and it’s a great example of this new direction. It also has a messed up music video (part of a series of videos that VV Brown is releasing). It’s well worth your time to check out.

Posted on by Ricky in Song of the Day

About Ricky

Britpop lovin Chinaman, consumer of all things irrelevant. Toronto Raptors fan.