Song of the Day: Lisa Jaeggi – All The Good

The opening sentence of a story can make or break a book. It will either draw you in and absorb you entirely, or your eyes will glaze over, you’ll put it down and you’ll move onto the next one. The same holds true for song openings – even if they do only tend to be four minutes long, a good song will still catch your attention from the very opening lines and hold it.

Lisa Jaeggi has a great song opening. The staccato guitar pluck overlaid with the percussion instrument (vibraslap? shekere? I’m not really sure) that starts off “All the Good” perks up your ears and gets your attention right away. It’s clean. It’s refreshing. It reminds me of the sensation of getting a nose full of cold and crisp autumn air. The rest of the song isn’t too shabby either – give it a listen:

Posted on by Celeste in Song of the Day