Song of the Day: King Charles – Ivory Road

If you judge a blog post about an artist by the picture accompanying the blog post, then you would immediately think that King Charles was a character from the movie The Princess Bride. You would be wrong. In fact, King Charles is a singer songwriter from London who has released a delightful folk-pop record this year. The man is quite gifted musically, playing guitar, cello and piano (according to wikipedia) and it all shows in the music, which is extremely pleasant.

The man opened for Mumford & Sons earlier this year for part of their US tour, but don’t worry, King Charles does a lot more then this:

in every song. Here is a sample of one of them, check it out.

Posted on by Ricky in Song of the Day

About Ricky

Britpop lovin Chinaman, consumer of all things irrelevant. Toronto Raptors fan.