SXSW Film Review: Joe Buffalo (2021, Amar Chebib)

Credit: Liam Mitchell

“To me, skateboarding was definitely like a saviour,” says Joe Buffalo at the beginning of this film, and after seeing his story unfold over the course of Amar Chebib’s short documentary, it’s hard to disagree with that statement.

Joe Buffalo tells the story of its protagonist’s life, from his experiences in the residential school system to his run ins with the law (“Jail damaged my spirit”) to his struggles with addiction. But while his story is certainly tragic, the film doesn’t dwell too much on that, choosing rather to focus on the importance of Buffalo’s “saviour” and how pivotal skateboarding has been for him. In fact, some of the most impressive and memorable moments in the film are the shots of Joe Buffalo in action on his board.

With Joe Buffalo’s career on the rise and him turning pro after skating for 35 years, the film ultimately ends off on a positive note, looking hopefully towards the future.

Posted on by Paul in Movies, South By Southwest