SXSW Song of the Day: Shopping – The Hype

Some bands just don’t want to be found on the internet. I suspect Shopping is one of them. Who else would name themselves Shopping? Nevertheless, through the power of PR emails, I happened upon the wildly energetic track “The Hype.” Sounding like an ’80s tiki bar party, this three piece band has been gaining some hype in the old land on the other shores of the Atlantic and will be playing the ever popular British Music Embassy at SXSW on Thursday March 15th at Latitude 30. I’ve been to that venue so many times the bouncer recognizes me.

Anyways, I honestly can’t find more information about this and I can’t really google them so I leave you with this.

Posted on by Ricky in South By Southwest

About Ricky

Britpop lovin Chinaman, consumer of all things irrelevant. Toronto Raptors fan.