Hot Docs Review: You’re Soaking In It [2016, Scott Harper]


A doom and gloom film about the world of online advertising, Scott Harper’s film is a 75 minute assault on something most of us already know – our right to our personal privacy is fighting a losing battle on the internet. Featuring some clever animations and commentary from both technical and social personalities, online advertising is dissected with precision by the filmmaker.

As a software developer, I guess I wasn’t really a target audience for this film as most of the online advertising and privacy items introduced were well known to me. However, For the uninformed, You’re Soaking In It paints a grim picture.

Despite it’s relentlessly gloomy soundtrack, the film is not one without solutions, which is a welcome change for a documentary of this nature. The delicious irony is that the solution provided in the film is now under fire for doing the thing it’s supposed to be stopping. If you can’t beat them, join them.

You’re Soaking In It
is playing once again on Friday, May 5 @ 6:30 PM Scotiabank Theatre

Posted on by Ricky in Hot Docs

About Ricky

Britpop lovin Chinaman, consumer of all things irrelevant. Toronto Raptors fan.