SXSW Concert Review: Big Freedia

Possibly the top highlight of SXSW was Big Freedia. A rapper? from New Orleans, Big Freedia specialized in something called “bounce music” which is something I have never heard of or experienced.

Until Wednesday.

Taking the stage at Fader, Big Freedia and her dancers engaged the crowd in an epic party that really just blew our collective minds. If you ever wonder about how twerking became popular, you need not look further then Big Freedia.

I don’t even know what to say, the whole set consisted of Big Freedia rapping instructions over an extremely fast beat to her dancers, who depending on male or female, would either twerk their asses off or do some crazy pop and locks. The lyrics for Big Freedia pretty much go like this

“Get your ass up! Get Your ass up!”
“Ass everywhere Ass everywhere!”
“Go! Go! Go!”
“Hands on the floor! Hands on the floor!”
“Grab your ankles! Grab your ankles!”

To the casual observer, it might seem demeaning, but everyone was having a blast. At one point, Big Freedia invited people on stage to twerk, and there literally was a mass rush to go on stage to twerk. Not to be outdone, Big Freedia would twerk along with everyone as well. It was just so different..and so awesome. The fun factor for this show was through the roof, and the enthusiasm and energy from the on stage performers easily permeated through the crowd. There wasn’t a single soul who didn’t have their hands up whenever Big Freedia demanded it. Everyone was on board.

Just an epically good time.

Can’t miss show if Big Freedia strolls through your town.

Posted on by Ricky in South By Southwest

About Ricky

Britpop lovin Chinaman, consumer of all things irrelevant. Toronto Raptors fan.