Song of the Day: African Jazz Flute

To be fair, that’s not the actual song of the day, but it very well could be. Here’s why: our fearless leader Ricky is on vacation. For the following few weeks, he’ll be climbing Mount Kilimanjaro or some shit. He has left the artistic direction of the Panic Manual in the hands of his ragtag band of avant-garde critiques. For the first time in his adult life, Ricky will be completely disconnected from the internets. We’re not sure how he will survive without his facebook, his smartphone, and his twitter. However, we expect a completely new man, both worldly and wizened from his travels.

In the meantime, stay tuned for more great music and event coverage. Except now there may be a little less of the indie rock, and a little more of the heavy metal and African Jazz Flute. Here at the Panic Manual, we play to our strengths.

As for the actual Song of the Day, I feel that The Kids in Hall theme song is particularly appropriate to mark this occasion. Also, two of the Kids (Scott Thompson & Kevin McDonald) are playing the Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival this Thursday November 10th at the Lower Ossington Theatre.

The Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival runs this week from November 8 – 13.

Posted on by Mark in Song of the Day