XBox 360 Review – Rainbow Six: Vegas

Toronto – After watching stuff like 24, theres nothing you want to do more then to shoot some freakin middle eastern people. What better game to do it then Rainbow Six: Las Vegas. This game is simply one of the best games out there for any system. What is the premise? Some bad ass terrorists have taken hostages in Las Vegas. It is up to you and your teammates to infiltrate the Casinos of Las Vegas and kill pretty much every single person who is not white.

This is NOT a shooter for people who play quake and doom 2 and stuff. Running into any situation without careful analysis = you die. Simple as that. This game is hard. Very hard. Terrorists are everywhere, and they are all carefully situated…and they all hate you. Remember that. They hate you. This is what makes this game good, its so damn hard, that when you are able to clear out a hallway without dying, you feel happy. When you snipe a bunch of bad guys without getting shot, its practically Christmas. Thats how hard this game is.

The graphics for this game are awesome, as all the previous games had you fighting in shithole towns. This game, you in vegas baby! colors! lights! noise! everything is encapsulated within this game and you feel like you are actually in Vegas rescuing hostages. the only thing missing is a bunch of white tigers who eat magicians.

Since I have finished the game on the hardest level possible, I feel like I can provide some tips:

– always send in your teammates first into a room. they can die repeatedly. you can die once. there is nothing more satisfying then sending your ‘freind’ into an open street, watch him get sniped, then killing the sniper right after that. reminds of you saving private ryan, sometimes.

– shoot everything that moves. its safer that way, i have lost a few missions because i have shot the person i was supposed to rescue, but bastard probably deserved to die.

Rating: 5/5

Posted on by Ricky in Concerts, Everything, Video Games

About Ricky

Britpop lovin Chinaman, consumer of all things irrelevant. Toronto Raptors fan.