Song of the Day: Clairo, Bags

Although bedroom pop is definitely the first descriptor that could be employed here, “Bags”, from Clairo‘s debut album Immunity, does not seem as shallow and facetious as some of the other Gen Z offerings on the plate. Coming directly off of her viral-fame by way of “the internets”, you would be forgiven for granting her license to some vapidity.

But “Bags” is in fact a very solid track. Sure, there is a lack of urgency permeating all that teenage experimentation without any concrete resolution, Clairo’s voice isn’t bright or magnificent, and unlike other numbers on the album (such as “Sofia”), it’s hidden under quite a lot of production. But there is an elasticity to the lyrics and melody, pulling you hither and thither. Its charm doesn’t really run out of steam, even on repeated listening, which is far more than can be said of many pop songs these days.

Posted on by Gary in Song of the Day